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María Elena Bertos Quesada

Short bio

Holding a BA in English Studies and MA in English Literature and Linguistics at the University of Granada, I recently completed the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Granada and Utrecht University. The MA thesis written for this master entitled “La Malquerida: Encountering Rhizomatic Spectres in the (Re)writing of the Legend of La Llorona” embodies my research interests in gender studies, hauntology and queer time from an interdisciplinary approach.

Research topic

I am mostly interested in rethinking the spectre as a subversive and liminal space where to negotiate and explore rhizomatic identities as well as to build resistance through affective connections resulting from spectral encounters. For this aim, in this thesis I will adopt a decolonial (Anzaldúa 1987; Schaeffer 2018), posthumanist (Radomska et al. 2020) and corpoaffective (Lykke 2022) theoretical framework combined with a methodology grounded on the notion of 'intra-mat-extuality' as proposed by Beatriz Revelles (2021), following the combinantion of ‘feminist close reading’ (Lukic and Sánchez 2011) and ‘diffractive reading’ (Barad 2007).

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